Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Putnam Rolling Ladder Company

The New York Times ran a delightful piece on the Putnam Rolling Ladder Company this weekend. I mention this because I've encountered their ladders, well, one of them, while in library school at the home office of one of my bosses.

He was so proud of his library ladder. "The Putnam Rolling Ladder Company," he'd say with a profound sense of joy as he eyeballed the creation they'd sent him.


Kitt said...

Always wanted one of those! But I'd need a stately manse first.

barry said...

Me too. Can you get the ladder even if you don't have the library?

Kitt said...

The photo on their front page certainly seems to say you can. Those shelves don't have a lot in the way of actual readable books on them. What's there appears to be just for show.