Sunday, February 10, 2008

I loves me some GoodReads

I joined the literary social networking site GoodReads late last year after my friend Dave invited me. At first I balked at participating, I was already a member of LibraryThing and had spent considerable time building my catalog on that site.

But I joined GoodReads anyway and am happy for having done so.

In many regards, GoodReads and LibraryThing are very similar. Both allow you to catalog your books and reach out to other readers. I have become a convert to GoodReads, however, because it better promotes the social networking aspects of its capabilities than LibraryThing. For some reason the Thing got my cataloging juices flowing, but not my desire to communicate. This is well and good as it is a far easier platform to maintain a catalog of my collection than, say Excel or Access, yet, there it sits.

That said, I visit GoodReads several times a week. I cannot recall the last time I added anything to my LibraryThing site.

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