Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Why am I doing this and what are the ground rules?

I must be crazy because I love books and in particular I love my books. Whether I am an impatient product of my age or just impatient, when I want a book I go out and get it as soon as possible. I spend most of my disposable income on books.

And yet, for multiple reasons, I've decided to try to spend the next year not buying books. This might not seem like a task worth mentioning for many, but I suspect it will fundamentally alter the way I select and obtain my reading materials. It might ultimately change the way I read.

Why I'm doing this

I am a librarian and I love libraries. Though I am very happy with my current job as a special librarian with a private company, most of my customers are in-house and my job is industry specific. I started this blog in large part to create a way to stay connected with the greater library world. Not buying my own books will create a dependence on the public library I have never experienced before.

Other reasons include the simple curiosity of whether I can go an entire year without buying books, an attempt to save money, and to have something to write about that others might find interesting.

For the most part I hope to post shorter length items several times a week rather than sporadic, but longer posts. Though I briefly listed my reasons for starting this blog above, I plan on writing about those reasons in greater detail in future posts.

I do not know if this is an original idea or not, though I am guessing not. Once I decided to go forward with this, though, I decided to not search for other examples.

The ground rules:

For the calendar year 2008 I will try to not buy any books, but rather obtain my reading materials from my local library or other outlets, such as borrowing from friends. I will accept books as gifts, but I will not ask for specific books. If I do buy a book, I'll fess up and report the lurid details of my fall on this site.

In short, I will not buy any books this year, no exceptions.

Exception #1

I have a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card left over from Christmas. This will be my lifeline. In the event that I simply must buy a book, I will use this card. Once it is used up, there is no more.

Exception #2

I have several friends involved in the book arts, be it as a publisher, author or artist. If they roll out new material during the year I am going to purchase copies as I have in the past.

It’s too late to turn back, here I go…

1 comment:

todd said...

Great idea, Barry! I look forward to tracking your progress.

If you haven't already be sure to establish your Net Library account at the Denver Public Library. Then you can listen to audiobooks, etc. at home. We have all of the Pimsleur CDs online here at the San Diego County Library and I'm currently learning Arabic.